The Weather Escape Room is an immersive experience for your students that allows them to demonstrate their knowledge of air masses, weather maps, weather instruments, and high and low air pressure.
A Unique Escape Room Experience:
Unlike many escape rooms, the teacher is in total control of which of the 8 puzzles they want to use and in which order to use them. Each puzzle is independent of the others. This is great for shorter or longer class periods.
Student Background:
Students will need to have an understanding of the cold fronts, warm fronts, stationary fronts, occluded fronts, high and low air pressure, weather instruments and weather forecasting.
Looking for more on Weather?
What's Included in the Product?
- Teacher directions
- Detailed answer key for each puzzle
- Single Student Digital Version PPT that can be uploaded into Google Slides
- Single Student Print Version in PPT and PDF for families to print at home
- Editable Teacher Version PPT
- Digital answer sheet (Google form) that is great for 1:1 or Google Classrooms. Replaces paper answer key if you choose.
- Video challenge to set the mood for the challenge
- 8 unique puzzles with all printable props
- A list of over 50 ideas for prizes
- Reward templates
- 30 unique signs to hold up for the picture at the end (plus, editable template)
What Materials Will I Need?
The escape room can be run in the classroom or online (see Distance Learning Ready in the next section).
In-Class Escape Rooms
The cheapest and easiest method is to use manila envelopes for the puzzles (all directions provided).
All necessary printed materials for preparation are included. Laminating the materials will preserve them for repeated use.
For the Weather Escape Room, you will also need:
- Small mirror or reflective surface (cell phone camera would work also)
- Brads (paper fastener) for one of the decoder rings
- Standard paper towel tube
Optionally, for a more authentic escape room each group will need the following:
- One Lockout Hasp
- Three, 4-digit locks
- One storage box that includes a place for the lockout hasp
Students may submit their answers on paper or using a Google Form (the link is included).
Distance-Learning Ready
Distance Learning methods include digital or print-at-home versions.
Digital Version
You can assign the “Single Student Digital Version” PowerPoint through email or your school's learning management system. This file has no answers and students solve by reading and answering questions or manipulating images on the slide.
For the Weather Escape Room, the student will also need:
- Small mirror or reflective surface (cell phone camera would work also)
This version can also be uploaded to Google Drive and opened with Google Slides.
- Open Google Slides.
- Go to the File menu and choose Open
- Find the tab on the right called Upload
- Click Select a File on Your Device
- Select the “Single Student Digital Version Digital Version”
- Click Open
If you do make Google slides, the copyright only allows for use with your own students. Do not share the link publicly.
Print-at-home Version
You can also assign or email the Single Student Print Version as a PPT or PDF for families to print at home.
For the printed Weather Escape Room, the student will also need:
- Small mirror or reflective surface (cell phone camera would work also)
- Brads (paper fastener) for one of the decoder rings
Essential Questions and Standards
Essential Questions
How can you use weather maps to explain global weather patterns and their influence on local weather?
How can you use weather maps to explain global weather patterns and their influence on local weather?
MS-ESS2-5 - Collect data to provide evidence for how the motions and complex interactions of air masses results in changes in weather conditions.
8.10 B - Identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather using weather maps that show high and low pressures and fronts