Middle and Elementary School
Science Teaching Strategies
Teaching middle school science can be one of the most rewarding jobs in education when the right strategies and processes are implemented in your classroom.
Below are some of my best ideas to completely transform your classroom into one where every student is engaged and takes ownership of their learning.
Even more strategies are taught LIVE every month by Steve Spangler in the Kesler Science Membership.

Increase Engagement
in Middle and Elementary Science Class
11 Time-Saving Strategies for Science Teachers
I started my career in corporate America as a systems analyst for a computer company. There was a high value placed on efficiency in the work environment. When I moved over to education I found lots of opportunities to make my classroom run as smoothly as possible. It almost became a game to me. This … Read More
Escape Room Puzzle Ideas for the Science Classroom
Creating an engaging escape room experience for your middle school science students doesn’t have to be difficult. Set your escape rooms apart from the others by weaving a narrative throughout the activity. Students will become invested in the story and the artifacts and puzzles will be more meaningful to them. I have put together a list of … Read More
Three Reasons Why Your Science Review Games Might Not Be Effective
I used to play classroom Jeopardy as a science review game before I realized I was doing it all wrong. I want to share with you three truths about why my science review games needed a complete overhaul. More importantly, I’ll give you some suggestions on how to improve your students’ participation and ultimately improve … Read More
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More Middle School Science Teaching Tips and Strategies
My Favorite Back to School Middle School Science Activities
Back to school always felt like a fresh start for me. One of my favorite parts about teaching was that each year I got a chance to correct the wrongs from the previous year. I used the first few weeks of school to build relationships with students and to put them into situations that helped …Read More
Sequencing Your Science Lessons – How to Create Effective Science Lessons Using the 5E Model
What Comes First? Notes or Labs?The number one question from science teachers that I’ve gotten over the past couple of years is, “What comes first, the notes and INB templates, or the labs?” I wish there was a definitive answer, but I really do think it can work either way. I always tried to use the 5E …Read More
Setting Up Effective Science Stations for Your Middle School Classroom
Are Science Stations Effective Middle School Science Activities? Science stations are a staple in my classroom and have made the biggest impact on student mastery. I’m a firm believer in student-led learning in any subject, but in science, it is so important that hands-on exploration is part of the learning process. There’s no reason your …Read More
Guide To Using Interactive Notebooks in the Science Classroom
I’ve been working with science interactive notebooks for several years in the classroom and the question that I see come up over and over is, “How do you use them effectively in your class?” Let’s talk about it.What are Interactive Notebooks?When I first showed Science Interactive Notebook Templates to another teacher on campus, the response …Read More
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