Life Science Lessons
for 5th-8th Grade Science
The demands on upper elementary and middle school science teachers today often leave little time to prepare engaging and exciting lessons for students.
Below are links to collections of the best life science resources we have created for teaching ecosystems and ecology, structure of life, and body systems.
All of the resources below are included in the Kesler Science Membership.

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For Middle School Science
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Kesler Science Membership
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Materials to Transform
Middle School Science Life Science
Students will explore hundreds of engaging life science activities that will allow them to truly comprehend the science topics.
Life Science Lessons and Activities Highlights
- Digital versions are provided that can work on-campus or in a distance learning environment.
- Many of the activities include modified versions so that every student in your classroom is able to participate at a level that works best for them.
- Lessons and activities are created by current science teachers who know the challenges of a middle school science classroom.
Examples of Life Science Materials
In these elementary school science and middle school science lessons, students will follow the 5E model to engage, explore, explain, elaborate, and evaluate. They will experience interactive station labs, hands-on life science labs, and engaging interactive notebooks for their life science lessons. We also feature life science activities such as escape games, writing prompts, reading passages, STEM challenges and more. With alignment to NGSS and TEKS standards, these materials cover nearly every life science topic.