I just finished creating a really cool body systems flip book for science journals. The journal is meant to be put into an interactive notebook, but it could also be used as a standalone activity. One of the things that I really like about this activity is that it all folds up really nicely onto one page in the journal (see image below).
The flip book folds out on each side accordion-style to reveal the 10 major body systems. Some body systems even have male and female systems. At the bottom of each of the body systems is the name of the system and a spot for main function and major organs. I have also included both color and black & white versions. Remember, I'm a teacher too. I know that the chance of you being able to print these out in color at your school is slim to none. I model the color one on the board and have the students color in the organs as we discuss them.
Every Interactive Notebook is also available as a one-of-a-kind digital version! Enjoy easily editable PPTs and Google Slides, reflection pages for students to demonstrate their understanding, ample space for student notes, a teacher answer key, and a separate modified version for students with accommodations.
These following body systems are included in this flip book:
- Skeletal System
- Muscular System
- Encocrine System (male and female)
- Integumentary System
- Reproductive System (male and female)
- Digestive System
- Nervous System
- Excretory System
- Cardiovascular System
- Respiratory System
All of the images are high-quality and look fantastic in the student journals. Here's a sample of one of the pages.
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