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Schools and Districts - finish the school year strong!

Get prorated Kesler Science Memberships for your teachers for 66% less

Request a quote for March through June and give your 4th - 8th grade science teachers the boost they need to finish this year strong!

Schools and Districts - finish the school year strong!

Get a prorated Kesler Science Membership for your teachers for 1/2 the normal cost

Request a quote for January through June and give your 4th - 8th grade science teachers the boost they need to succeed this year!

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Kesler Science Teachers
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School Purchases
Kesler Science Teachers
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50 States
School Purchases

Engaging. Reliable. Easy.

Kesler Science makes teaching science a breeze. With thousands of lessons and activities for 4th-8th grade science classrooms across Life, Earth, and Physical science, you'll have everything you need to add a spark to your classroom and spend your time where it matters most.


Kesler Science makes teaching science a breeze. With thousands of lessons and activities for 4th-8th grade science classrooms across Life, Earth, and Physical science, you'll have everything you need to add a spark to your classroom and spend your time where it matters most.

The ultimate solution to your science classroom challenges:
the Kesler Science Membership


"The district PR folks come to my class to promote what’s going on."   -  Nancy F.

"This was way better than any other resource I have used in the past." -  Lauren M.

"My students were completely engaged in every activity."  -  Robin F.

The ultimate solution to your science classroom challenges:
the Kesler Science Membership

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Invigorate your classes with high engagement, student-led activities. 

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Find the time to do the teaching you want with thousands of low-prep lessons. 

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You'll be inspired by LIVE professional development sessions from Emmy-award-winner Steve Spangler!

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Make learning FUN with escape games, STEM challenges, silly science posters, and student awards.

Whether you purchase through your school or on your own, we've got you covered.

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Invigorate your classes with high engagement, student-led activities. 

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Find the time to do the teaching you want with thousands of low-prep lessons. 

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Make learning FUN with escape games, STEM challenges, silly science posters, and student awards.

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You'll be inspired by LIVE professional development sessions from Emmy-award-winner Steve Spangler!

Whether you purchase through your school or on your own, we've got you covered.

The Ultimate Solution to Your Classroom Challenges:

The Kesler Science Membership

Get total access to every Kesler Science classroom resource!
Find the time to do the teaching you want with our thousands of ready-made, low-prep lessons. 
Invigorate your classes with high engagement, student-led activities. 
Make learning FUN with escape games, STEM challenges, silly science posters, and student awards!
Plus, you'll enjoy LIVE, one-hour professional development sessions from the amazing Steve Spangler - six times per year!
Whether you are purchasing through your school or on your own, we have you covered.

Individual Lessons

Not ready to try a full membership? You can purchase our products separately!

  • Enjoy teaching science with interactive, hands-on labs and stations based on the 5E model.
  • Grab your students' interest with writing prompts, reading passages, games, and more!
  • Meet your goals with lessons aligned to NGSS and TEKS standards.
  • Find flexible solutions with printable and digital formats.
  • Support your students' needs with modified versions.

Science Resources
Made by Teachers
Just Like You

At Kesler Science, teachers don't just write our materials; the whole company is led by teachers just like you. We understand your vision for your classroom.
You need high-quality lessons that make prep time faster and easier so you can focus on teaching.
You know one size won't fit all your students' needs.
You want your students fully engaged in student-led, hands-on, phenomenon-driven inquiry.
You want to bring a creative, personal touch to your lessons so you can build connections in your classroom.
You want to be a rock star science teacher - and we can help you get there.
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Science Resources
Made by Teachers
Just Like You

At Kesler Science, teachers don't just write our materials; the whole company is led by teachers just like you. We understand your vision for your classroom.
You need high-quality lessons that make prep time faster and easier so you can focus on teaching.
You know one size won't fit all your students' needs.
You want to bring a creative, personal touch to your lessons so you can build connections in your classroom.
You want your students fully engaged in student-led, hands-on, phenomenon-driven inquiry.
You want to be a rock star science teacher - and we can help you get there.
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"My administration loves the engagement they see when they are in my class." 

 - Pat C., via email

"It saves me SO much time! I can spend more time talking with each student."

 - Laura B., via email

"The district PR folks come to my class to promote what’s going on."

 - Nancy F., via email


"My administration loves the engagement they see when they are in my class."   - Pat C.

"It saves me SO much time! I can spend more time talking with each student.- Laura B.

"I love when I can take ideas directly to my classroom.  Thank you." 

 - Janice B., via survey

"Thanks for the inspiration to try phenomena in my own class!"

 - Pamela V., via survey

"Easily accessible and informative - will be sharing info with colleagues."

 - Hali D., via survey

"We just started our STAAR review and the kids are loving this set up." 

 - Lauren K., via TPT

"This was way better than any other resource I have used in the past."

 - Lauren M., via TPT

"My students were completely engaged in every activity."

 - Robin F., via TPT


The best way to experience the Kesler Science difference for yourself

With the Kesler Science Demo, you can try out dozens of lessons from the Membership across multiple topics and grade levels. Check out our interactive content and see how easy it is to assign to your classes. Download free PowerPoints and PDFs, or add files straight to your Google Drive. 


The best way to experience the Kesler Science difference for yourself

With the Kesler Science Demo, you can try out dozens of lessons from the Membership across multiple topics and grade levels. Check out our interactive content and see how easy it is to assign to your classes. Download free PowerPoints and PDFs, or add files straight to your Google Drive. 

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Kesler Science is the curriculum of choice for schools and districts all over the country.

At Kesler Science, your school isn't just another order number. When you're a Kesler Science school, your success is our first priority. Get to know our teacher-led sales team and find out how our solutions can help you retain and support your science teachers. With our simple implementation and budget-friendly plans, Kesler Science is an easy choice.

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Kesler Science is the curriculum of choice for schools and districts all over the country.

At Kesler Science, your school isn't just another order number. When you're a Kesler Science school, your success is our first priority. Get to know our teacher-led sales team and find out how our solutions can help you retain and support your science teachers. With our simple implementation and budget-friendly plans, Kesler Science is an easy choice.

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"Last year was my first year using the 5E lessons in 8th grade science and after years of dropping performances, my passing percentage went WAY up with a tough group!

The engage activities were spot on. I loved the video links which saved me so much time searching for appropriate and engaging content.
The students loved being able to take ownership over their learning in the station labs which also gave me quick formative assessment opportunities and opened up lots of teachable moments! The interactive notebook combined with the power point presentations allowed kids to see, hear, and write the curriculum. And the assessments were a great way to hold them accountable for learning. Having modified options was a life saver for me as well as for my special ed and 504 students!

This year I added the bell ringers. We just finished our first week of school starting with bell ringers on the very first day and I can already tell that this was a wise investment!

Engaging, educationally sound, and easy to use - I am a Kesler Science fan." - A. Reynolds
"When you've been in the classroom for 40 years the one thing you don't want to do is waste valuable time reinventing the wheel.  
Kesler 5E lessons are designed to help any teacher save time, but the best part is they use the time tested 5E method that has been around for decades because it is successful in the classroom.
These lessons walk you through the Engage, Explore, Explain,Elaborate, and Evaluate steps of all the topics needed for middle school science taught using standards- whether state or NGSS.
These are perfect for new teachers trying to learn proper sequencing or people teaching out of their area of expertise for the first time.  For the veteran teacher they are a place to start that can lead to a custom designed unit on almost any science topic. 
Because you can pick and choose which sections to use or skip or add to the lessons are totally customizable. These lessons can supplement a textbook or web based program or be used in place of one.
As a National Board Certified Teacher I know a good lesson when I see it and these units are the perfect foundation for a comprehensive middle school science curriculum. " - S. Cumiskey
"I started using the 5E Lessons last year and noticed an immediate change in the level of engagement (I teach 7-9 science in a small rural Missouri school).  I also saw increased understanding, retention, and assessment scores. 
The feedback from students was positive--they liked that there were multiple ways of attaining new information and knowledge.  My 8th graders take the standardized test (Missouri Assessment Program- MAP) in science and last year's class had the highest level of proficient and advanced of any class I've administered the test to in 11 years of teaching up to that point (6% higher than the previous highest class and NO below basic)! 
In addition to student improvement, using the 5E units has helped me develop a much more fluid and comprehensive curriculum and curriculum map.  I have moved on to self-paced learning and the 5E units (with some modification of delivery) fits very well within that model.  In terms of ease and happiness-- using these units is arguably the best decision I have made." - R. McMillan